TV2 Hungary, one of the country’s most popular television stations, has built a new broadcast studio around the Mosart news production automation system. The studio was implemented by Somos Broadcast Media, a reseller and systems integrator specialising in the Hungarian market. “With Mosart we are able to produce news and features with fewer people in the control room, and streamline our production processes, resulting in a better quality newscast with fewer human errors,” said Laszlo Szilagyi, head of TV2’s technical department. “The system’s advanced handling of macros, sequences, loops and continue points greatly simplifies automation set-up, enabling our news director to programme once and then proceed through multiple events and effects,” he explained. Mosart’s customisable graphical interface means that broadcast elements including cameras, clips and graphics can be assigned to individual on-screen buttons for easy access. Story scripts from the newsroom computer system are shown directly in the Mosart GUI, and operators can store clips and graphical elements in a pool ready for execution on request. “With this Mosart installation, TV2 is the first broadcaster in Hungary to adopt modern studio automation,” said Rozgonyi Laszló, technical director at systems integrator Somos Broadcast Media. “Although TV2 had originally chosen another studio automation system, all it took was one presentation from Mosart to convince the network’s engineers that they could take their newscast to a much more advanced level.” One of the key issues was Mosart’s ability to integrate with almost all studio devices, without requiring the broadcaster to be tied to any manufacturer’s hardware. Mosart now supports four manufacturers of vision mixers, eight audio mixers, eight brands of server, eight graphics systems and five camera robotics vendors.
Mosart delivers newsroom workflow for TV2
TV2 Hungary, one of the country’s most popular television stations, has built a new broadcast studio around the Mosart news production automation system. The studio was implemented by Somos Broadcast Media, a reseller and systems integrator specialising in the Hungarian market.