German public service broadcaster MDR (Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk) has selected Aveco to supply a suite of automation tools for its new master control room. Aveco’s German dealer, Logic Media Solutions, sold two complete ASTRA MCR systems (pictured) to MDR’s prime contractor BFE. MDR will have two independently mirrored ASTRA systems to control two complete broadcast chains (mixer, graphics and video server). One mirrored ASTRA system – the primary system – will be used to broadcast MDR’s main channel. The second mirrored ASTRA system will be used as an emergency/test system. “Aveco designed this unique configuration for MDR to provide maximum flexibility and reliability,” said Roger Crooks, Aveco VP of Sales and Marketing. “If any piece of equipment in the main broadcast chain fails, MDR can immediately switch over to the backup chain and continue to stay on-air.” For preventative maintenance, upgrades, or operator training, the two chains can be used simultaneously without impact on MDR’s main playout channel. The ASTRA MCR system will be used to control Omneon video servers, Miranda ImageStore mixers, and Chyron graphics. www.aveco.com