Harris Corporation has had a successful show with orders from a number of major broadcasters and organisations, writes Andy Stout. Chief amongst them are deals in Saudi Arabia and India.
The company closed a significant deal with Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Culture & Information (MOCI), which is currently in the process of converting all Saudi Television facilities to HD.
The deal follows on the heels of recent contracts for HD projects at Saudi TV facilities in Madinah and Qassim, and sees Harris winning the project for MOCI’s HD upgrade of its facility in Riyadh. The project comprises two HD studio control rooms for sports and news and a third for production. Each control room will be based around a Harris HD system comprising Nexio video servers, Platinum routers, Centrio multiviewers, Inscriber G3 graphics units, and Videotek test and measurement systems. The deal was handled by the Harris dealer in Saudi Arabia, First Gulf Company (FGC).
Harris has also inked a deal on the show floor with Essel Shyam to provide an end to end HD playout facility for its earth station facility. Based in Noida, India, the new facility will be wrapped around a Harris HD broadcast system with approximately the same spec as the Saudi deal, only adding a 6800+ module core processing platform and a raft of distribution products.