The ABC Television Network brought the Academy Awards telecast into viewers’ homes live on Sunday, 26 February, with high-definition event production solutions from Grass Valley — which has supported the Oscar ceremonies for several years. Pittsburgh-based production company NEP Broadcasting supplied four HD-capable mobile production trucks at the Los Angeles site. Each carried different configurations of Grass Valley HD cameras, servers, routing equipment, and production switchers. NEP’s Denali Summit handled the main Oscar telecast, using a Grass Valley Kalypso HD Video Production Center switcher (pictured), several K2 Summit media servers and a large Trinix NXT router. The NEP SS25 truck helped capture the festivities of the red carpet live show, which aired just prior to the awards telecast. The truck carried a Kalypso switcher and more than a dozen LDK 8000 Elite HD cameras. The NEP ND4 production rig covered the red carpet ceremonies with a Kalypso 4 M/E switcher that provided a live HD feed for television and online media outlets. The company’s newest HD-capable mobile vehicle, Arizona, provided a live HD feed of the main show and related festivities for a variety of international broadcasters. Arizona was equipped with a Kalypso HD switcher, Trinix HD router and Apex audio router.
Grass Valley reprises role for the Oscar ceremonies
The ABC Television Network brought the Academy Awards telecast into viewers' homes live on Sunday, 26 February, with high-definition event production solutions from Grass Valley.