Google’s Immersive Stream XR, which can be used to host, render, and serve interactive 3D and AR experiences using the power of the cloud, is now available to all of the company’s cloud customers.
Immersive Stream for XR enables users to click a link or scan a QR code and immediately be transported to extended reality.
The technology now supports content developed in Unreal Engine 5.0, while Google has also added the ability to render content in landscape mode to support tablet and desktop devices.
In a blog post, the company cited Virtual Worlds, a full-service digital studio, which uses photogrammetry techniques to capture historical sites and create interactive experiences on top. Because of the visual detail involved, these experiences have historically required expensive workstations with GPUs to perform the rendering, limiting their availability to physical exhibits, said Google. Using Unreal 5.0’s new Nanite and Luman capabilities, the team created an educational tour of the Great Sphinx of Giza, and made it accessible by anyone using Immersive Stream for XR.
Elliot Mizroch, CEO of Virtual Worlds, said, “We’ve captured incredible sites from Machu Picchu to the Pyramids of Giza and we want everyone to be able to explore these monuments and learn about our heritage. Immersive Stream for XR finally gives us this opportunity.”
Google has published the documentation behind Immersive Stream for XR here.