German production company ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion has put into operation the largest installation of S4M’s studio production tool ClipJOCKEY.
Since the beginning of this year, all studios in Unterföhring/Germany use the system with Harris Nexio servers and will turn their whole production into file-based workflows step by step.
By using ClipJOCKEY the value from their existing Harris Nexio video servers can be increased. It allows ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion to prepare for the future by changing the complete production to tapeless processes.
In addition to the easy management and operation of up to 12 server ports, the new system offers functionalities like controlling the ingest or archive from VTRs or live multi camera recording. Besides the cost reduction, the tapeless production offers remarkable speed benefits. Video clips can go on air much faster through the connection between ClipJOCKEY and the AVID editing system. The file transfer opportunities allow providing all areas, eg. the archive from ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion, directly with clips or shows produced in the studio.
ClipJOCKEY supports video servers from leading manufactures like Harris, Omneon, Grass Valley and Quantel. The system is used by a growing list of broadcasters and production companies such as QVC USA, MLB Networks, NDR and MDR.