Gearhouse Broadcast will be showing its live production HD OB trailer at BVE in London from 25-27 February 2014. OBLite was built by Gearhouse’s in-house systems integration division.
Launched at IBC2013, OBLite features eight Hitachi camera channels and can house an eight-person production and operation crew. It has a production gallery, audio workstations and an engineering control area and offers low power consumption, the company claims.
The trailer’s live HD production workflow operates eight Hitachi camera channels (seven SK-HD1200 portable-type production cameras and one SK-HD1500 6G Super Slow-Motion camera); a Ross Carbonite vision mixer; the recently launched Lawo V__link4 video-over-IP solution; Harris Platinum router and Glue; Harris test and measurement systems; a Studer Vista audio mixer; and a Harris Inscriber CG system.
“We’ve had a lot of interest in OBLite since it was unveiled last September, so BVE is a great opportunity for us to show the local market what its capabilities are and discuss the improvements we’ve since made to it,” said Eamonn Dowdall, business development director, Gearhouse Broadcast. “The trailer offers the full range of OB functionality and is ideally suited to covering everything from IPTV and live web streaming productions to red carpet events, festivals and smaller six-to-ten-camera live sports broadcast projects where using a full-size OB truck would prove cost-prohibitive.”