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France Télévisions manages with Sony

Sony Professional is to develop a service oriented architecture for a new integrated broadcasting platform at France Télévisions. The system automates the exchange of content and metadata between digital production and delivery departments at the broadcasters.

Sony Professional is to develop a service oriented architecture for a new integrated broadcasting platform at France Télévisions. The system automates the exchange of content and metadata between digital production and delivery departments at the broadcasters, and is specifically designed to support multi-platform delivery.The new system is based on the Sony Media Backbone Conductor, an integration platform designed to simplify system design and increase productivity. The platform takes a business process view of a broadcaster.It is driven by a workflow engine which orchestrates tasks and common services such as transcoding and quality control. By automating many of the non-creative tasks and centralising common services, greater efficiencies can be achieved.At France Télévisions it will create the infrastructure for a new “centre de diffusion et d’echange” – broadcast and exchange centre. This is being designed to bring together both linear and non-linear broadcasting. Through it France Télévisions will be able to ensure its revenues are maximised by increasing exposure of each programme: on air, on demand and on line.