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Česká televize chooses Project Parking from Marquis

Marquis Broadcast has supplied the public television broadcaster Česká televize with its archive and retrieve solution, Project Parking. Česká televize, based in Prague, will now use Project Parking to help its production staff manage their edit storage.

Marquis Broadcast has supplied the public television broadcaster Česká televize with its archive and retrieve solution, Project Parking. Česká televize, based in Prague, will now use Project Parking to help its production staff manage their edit storage.

Project Parking analyses Avid projects and media to show users which projects are using up most space and take action to transfer, archive or delete. As well as finding large projects, Project Parking can identify unused or duplicate media.

With Project Parking users can create project archives based upon bin selection, move projects between tiers of storage or transfer to different locations. After archiving and transferring media off-line, selected Projects or Bins can be restored and merged with the original media back online.

“We are delighted that Česká televize has selected Project Parking to enable its editors to analyse and manage all the projects and media on their edit storage,” commented Ben Miles, business development manager, Marquis. “The solution will now enable them to prioritise by size, project, location, age, duplicated or orphaned files and then archive files to second tier storage, or delete unused media at the touch of a button, take snapshots of versions of projects, or move from one location to another, while still maintaining a usable and easily accessible format for future use.

“Project Parking will also allow Česká televize’s staff to transfer entire projects from multiple locations to tiers of storage or different destinations if required,” continued Miles. “Users can also create multiple archive destinations, for example another shared storage area or even a locally attached USB drive. A detailed report is produced upon completion of an archive providing certain knowledge that the project will be in exactly the same state when restored