At last month’s IBC AJA launched TruZoom to deliver region-of-interest (ROI) workflows from 4K and Ultra HD video.
The TruZoom software and external joystick controller drives AJA’s Corvid Ultra professional video I/O platform. It allows customers to scale any 16:9 region within 4K frames to HD in realtime.
“Corvid Ultra is a powerful system for high frame rate workflows across a range of resolutions, from SD all the way up to 4K. With the release of TruZoom, we’re offering a simple front-end interface for very high-quality HD region-of-interest scaling and extraction from 4K sources,” said Nick Rashby, president of AJA. “TruZoom has already been proven in critical on-air broadcast environments, including the MLB Network, who was very pleased with its performance during the baseball Division Series playoff games.”
TruZoom runs exclusively with the AJA Corvid Ultra and lists for $9995. A Raw debayer firmware option is available for $1995.
In related news, EVS is now a new AJA developer partner; it will offer integrated support for AJA products, including Corvid Ultra and TruZoom.
At IBC, AJA also showed KUMO v3.0, a firmware update to enable Dual Link, 4K and Ultra HD support in its KUMO SDI routers; and V2Digital, V2Analog, HD10A-Plus and 4K2HD, new additions to its range of compact Mini-Converters that offer new features for workflows up to 4K. AJA also announced a new plug-in for KONA 3G that will support Telestream Wirecast 5 with up to four HD-SDI input channels and support for 4K/Ultra HD input. AJA Control Room is now in public beta.
By Carolyn Giardina