C2S Systems is building a 16-camera double expander outside broadcast vehicle and support tender for film and broadcast equipment rental company Video Europe.
Video Europe has undertaken the £1.25m project as part of an on-going expansion of the services they provide to existing OB and production clients. The truck will be available for hire for live events from May 2014. The company hopes that the truck’s open-plan layout will provide a unique work environment for both small and large live production teams.
C2S will equip the truck with Sony HDC-2500 camera channels, an MVS-7000X vision mixer and OLED monitors. It will also feature a 3G Miranda NVISION 8500 Series Hybrid Router populated to 171×216 HD-SDI and 5×3 TDM interfaces for connecting external Madi, AES and analogue capabilities to support both direct connections to a Calrec Omega digital audio console and peripheral equipment. The completed truck will also incorporate Miranda 3G digital glue and a Kaleido modular multi-viewer, as well as Tektronix waveform vector-scopes.
The truck is designed to accommodate a wide range of equipment from Video Europe’s hire catalogue – which includes 40 new camera channels and EVS machines.
“The main challenge is to accommodate the high level of equipment in a small double-expanding OB footprint whilst providing operational comfort,” commented Jonathan Lyth, systems manager for C2S. “Because this unit will need to work around London, it can operate with only one of its sides expanded if ground space is restricted.
“Access to equipment is critical, because key items such as EVS and cameras will be rigged per job, rather than permanently installed – so the layout incorporates safe, easy access to the three main racks from a hydraulic sliding platform.
“This is a complete ‘chassis-up’ build from C2S, with coachwork, furniture, interiors, system design, equipment supply and installation all carried out in our Leeds facility. This in-house approach means C2S are well-equipped to consult and deliver on design, finish and functionality of the highest quality, which are of paramount importance in Video Europe’s project.”