The society of film and television technology industry in the UK, the BKSTS, has organised a panel discussion on 4 November as part of its ‘1st Monday’ series, to address issues arising from the merger of film and TV.
The emergence of UHD as a TV format has raised a number of questions about the future of cinema production. 4K and 8K resolutions with enhanced bit depth and at high frame rates, will potentially produce images better than current feature film production processes. Will cinemas have to upgrade their technology to match or exceed the home experience if 12-bit, 8K at 120fps becomes widely available? Does such an enhanced form of TV mean that ‘alternative content’ at cinemas will have to match it? And can the complexities of current CGI-driven blockbusters be cost effectively maintained at such data rates? These and other questions will be addressed by a panel of experts representing all aspects of the industry.
Roland Brown, president of BKSTS will chair the event, which will open with a presentation by director of the BT Media Broadcast UHD production, Bill Scanlon, showing how BT Vision produced impressive live rugby coverage during IBC2013.
The panel includes Simon Gauntlett, technology director, DTG; Alison Hutchins, senior propositions manager, BT Media and Broadcast, BT Wholesale; Chris Johns, chief engineer, Broadcast Strategy, BSkyB; Milan Krsljanin, business development manager, ARRI; Andy Quested head of Technology BBC HD and 3D; and Peter Wilson, chair of Technical Support Group, European Digital Cinema Forum.
The discussion takes place at the London Film Museum on the Southbank, London. The doors will open at 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. Tickets can be booked through the BKSTS webite.