BBC English Regions has implemented an automated television playout solution from ON-AIR Systems’ K Series for its new Local TV services which are currently being piloted across the West Midlands, writes Fergal Ringrose.
The new equipment, comprising two ON-AIR playKast playout systems and ON-AIR Kapture media ingest software, provides playout apabilities enabling Local TV journalists to prepare schedules and run-down lists, create graphics, and play out from a single integrated broadcasting environment.
Local TV is a new service available via digital satellite and broadband to households in the West Midlands for an initial nine-month trial period. Viewers from each of six areas can view local news, weather updates and other information pertaining to their own locality.
Content is sourced by teams of video journalists who respond to local news developments, and story suggestions from residents. At the end of the trial period, the BBC is hoping to extend Local TV to a total of 60 areas across the UK.
The pilot project in the West Midlands is providing an opportunity for the BBC to experiment with content ideas and formats, and is also allowing them to identify and trial an infrastructure of broadcasting technology that delivers the most effective methods of content creation and distribution.