Absolute Post has become the first post production house in the UK to use On Tap, a new work-in-progress review system that allows users unprecedented latitude to critique edits frame by frame from anywhere in the world.
On Tap allows users to scroll through a project at any stage in post production, pausing at any point to annotate the frame with colour-coded drawings that exactly identify problem areas and repositioning. These ‘visual notes’ can be further backed-up by worded notes.
The system is integrated into Absolute’s server so it automatically stores each edit at each stage of production. When an operator requires feedback on their latest VFX work, they send a link to all relevant parties (for example, production company and advertising agency) which takes all viewers, via the internet, to the edit in question.
From here, all invited parties can make and submit visual and verbal comments to the relevant post production producer or VFX operator. On Tap also gives editors the ability to compare offline edits with online conforms by incorporating a split screen function.
Freelance Bikini producer, Bona Orakwue, said: “Hani from Absolute introduced me to On Tap when we were both in the middle of an extensive Johnnie Walker campaign for BBH Shanghai. Being able to access our work in progress outside the suite and make the relevant comments in a clear and precise manner proved invaluable. In this particular case, it also helped to minimise any possible language barriers, in that all parties involved were able to, literally, illustrate their point by drawing onto the frames in question. Simplicity at its best.”