Media companies naturally want to produce the best content they possibly can and to do this, they need to use the tools that are best suited for each specific task. Previously, we’ve seen the industry move away from relying on single vendor end-to-end solutions for media processing workflows, preferring instead to build customisable workflows made up of component solutions from different vendors. However, while this approach gives media companies the flexibility to use the best tools for the job in hand, it also adds complexity as well as interoperability issues that can make the content’s journey from A to Z clunky and slow.

From end-to-end to ‘DIY’ workflows, media processing is constantly evolving. We’re now beginning to see more and more media companies opting to take a different approach yet again – the end-to-end media processing platform with different vendors already built in. Might this way of working give media companies the best of both worlds, by providing a simplified and seamless workflow, alongside specialist tools from different vendors, minus the headache that interoperability can bring?
Managing complexity
For content to move smoothly through the many stages of media production from ingesting and organising raw footage, to metadata logging, editing, captioning, transcoding, and delivery, every element of the workflow must function optimally. But not only that, each separate component also needs to be fully integrated into the workflow so that all solutions can work together in harmony. This is often a challenge when media companies take an à la carte approach, because as we all know only too well, interoperability between solutions is never a given.
Media companies rely on APIs (Application Programming Interface) to ensure seamless communication between components. These tools allow different applications to communicate with each other in the same language, much like a translator. However, API quality can vary enormously and additionally, to function properly, APIs often need to be customised which takes expertise, time and effort to get right. This is where the challenge lies, and the added complexity comes in. Managing this complexity takes significant resource, which could be better used elsewhere.
A fresh approach
Content producers need to move their content from start to finish efficiently, and in the simplest way possible, without compromising quality. It is this need that’s led to the emergence of end-to-end media processing platforms, which are a natural next step in the evolution of workflow management and media processing. Unlike either traditional single-vendor end-to-end solutions or the prevailing workflows used today that comprise solutions from separate vendors, these platforms combine both simplicity and specialist tools, along with the ability to automate tasks. They’re designed to seamlessly integrate technologies from multiple vendors, creating a cohesive environment where each tool performs at its best without compromising overall efficiency. Essentially, they provide a complete workflow solution that is flexible and scalable, and that takes the leg work out of ensuring interoperability between different vendor solutions.

But not only that, by bringing separate solutions together under one unified complete workflow solution, media processing can be effectively streamlined. Time-consuming and repetitive tasks such as batch processing at ingest, file trimming, and transcoding can be easily automated. With the right tools, broadcasters can automatically transcode files to multiple formats, add different audio tracks and captions each time, and even insert edits into master files without having to upload and QC entire files each time. Being able to work smarter and automate the most time-consuming processes saves a huge amount of time and effort.
End-to-End 2.0: The next chapter
The emergence of end-to-end media processing platforms highlights the industry’s ability to adapt and evolve. This approach simplifies and streamlines content’s journey from A to Z by ensuring that separate vendor solutions are all fully interoperable and every part of the workflow is optimised. It streamlines content production and eliminates inefficiencies, which means content moves smoothly through the workflow, so it can be delivered quicker and at a lower cost. Media companies are then empowered to focus on what they do best – namely creating great content.