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Vortex Communications: Timelord Clocks

The TimeLord range of Master Clocks has been regenerated with a completely new modular design. It also gains a TimeLord-Net module, so that “it can sit on a computer network to act as a Network Time Protocol server,” said Vortex director, Ian Prowse.

Vortex had wanted to release the update at IBC2013, but there were so many new features that it took longer than expected.

Users can now add dual inputs, “to reference GPS satellites and the MSF or DCF atomic reference clocks, so if one fails you have another as back up,” he explained. It can also be locked to EBU or IRIG Timecode signals, including via a fibre-optic interface.
It has v-Code output that is user configurable to provide 15-zone 482 time-and-date code for V-400A digital displays (themselves updated with Power-over-Ethernet), or bi-phase pulses from an intelligent impulse driver for analogue pulse clocks (with hands). A second v-Code module can be added and separately configured, as well as programmable mains-rated contact closure outputs and multi-serial outputs that complement the in-built serial time data interface, all of which can output different data streams using more than 80 time data formats.

FLX (from VTX-Tech) complements the new TimeLord and V-400NP displays by adding timer and stopwatch capability and provides cost-effective virtual timing using HDMI TVs for display and tablet computers as control surfaces. Screens with Ethernet/HDMI interfaces take NTP time from the network and output the stored clock and timer configuration to the display.

As a simple clock, an FLX-i Interface can produce an analogue clock, with or without digital clocks and/or calendar, digital timers and additional signalling (On Air, Mic Live, Telephone or perhaps FIRE). It can also be used for Multi-Zone applications and any configuration can be sent to other interfaces and controlled from any tablet control surface.