Switzerland’s first UHD OB truck has been bought by NEP for use on the new season of Swiss Super League football. The Streamline S12 4K OB was built by Broadcast Solutions, and offers more space than previous Streamline vehicles due to a new room concept for the production area.
The Ultra HD-41 works with up to 12 cameras in UHD and can be manned with up to 20 operators. Broadcast Solutions pre-engineered design helped NEP meet a tight deadline.
Trond Hermansen, CTO, NEP Switzerland, said, “From the assignment to produce the Swiss Football Super League to the first productions we only had less than six months time for developing and testing the OB van.”
“I think the Streamline S12 4K is very flexible,” he added. “It is an open solution and we can easily adapt different setups and change positions within the OB. The sophisticated KVM System makes it easy to change the working positions. This all leads to fast setup times.”
It features a powerful audio section, with a 48-fader Lawo mc256 and Lawo Nova 73 compact 5120×5120 audio matrix. “[This] puts us in the position to cover sports and entertainment events with the same high professional outcome,” added Hermansen.
The 14m expanding trailer sports ten Panasonic AK-UC3000 cameras, a Grass Valley Karrera 8M/E switcher with K-Frame and 3M/E panel, Imagine Communications Platinum 256×328 video router, NEC and Sony monitors, seven EVS systems with VSM control, Imagine Selenio and Axon modular equipment, Riedel MicroN processing, Imagine Communications Platinum SX Pro 144×21 multiviewer, Riedel Artist 128 / MediorNet Stagebox intercom and Riedel Riface / Motorola talkback.
O.D02, 8.A74