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TV and DAB exciter debut

A software-defined exciter for TV and DAB radio broadcasters is being introduced at IBC.

GatesAir said its Maxiva XTE exciter builds on the previous generation Maxiva M2X exciter with new efficiencies and improvements. The company said the new exciter features greatly improved signal processing power, a smaller footprint, and advanced IP interfacing.

Like the M2X, the Maxiva XTE exciter was developed to offer increased efficiency and performance for multichannel broadcasters with enhanced signal correction to improve modulation error ratio (MER) and address other signal imperfections.

Delivered in a 1RU platform — half the size of its predecessor — the XTE adds 16 times more native digital signal processing capability and headroom for multichannel broadcasters while at the same time reducing power consumption by over half.

The company claimed that this ensures improved signal quality, throughput and IP networking capabilities for DTV standards and DAB radio, but also for emerging opportunities including LTE Mobile Offload.