One of the busiest content creation demonstrations around IBC has been the revolutionary way Swedish Radio has shrunk local journalism tools down to a set of brilliant basics, particularly the home and location production support surfaces.
Jimmie Schewenius, who works on a pilot project based round Uddevalla, said: “We developed this surface for people like myself who are self-operators and radio hosts, and we do all the mixing by ourselves. We ended up with six big buttons to make it easy to use, and we built in all the functions we need.
“Once you have learned to use the touchscreen interface in the studio, you also know how to use it on a story, because the functions in the tablet version are the same,” he added.
The OB pack has it all – mic, headphones, WiFi to the tablet from the bounding device pack, which has five SIM cards, plus Raspberry Pi single board computer carrying the open source audio codec.
“It almost functions everywhere,” said Schewenius. “I don’t have to have a colleague helping me back home in the studio. Interest here at IBC has been in the work surface and tablet, and what our colleagues think about us working in this way.”
10.F20 (EBU stand)