Sports media company Perform has selected Dalet Sports Factory as the end-to-end production and media asset management platform for its worldwide sports content production.
Perform delivers multimedia sports content across web-enabled digital platforms, driving revenues through a mix of content distribution, advertising and sponsorship, and developing subscription platforms.
Dalet said Sports Factory would provide Perform with a flexible MAM underlayer that manages the workflows and content for different kinds of services, from ingest through production to multiplatform distribution and archiving. Perform will use the Dalet Xtend module to easily exchange media and metadata between the Dalet MAM and NLE systems. Dalet Brio servers will also be used for ingest. Several Dalet desktop and web-accessible tools will help streamline the production chain.
“Dalet overwhelmingly had the right technology for us,” said Howard Kitto, Perform CTO. “We’re setting up video newsrooms all around the world and we wanted them to collaborate when producing their content. The Dalet MAM will allow us to have edit tools and access to media at every desk.”
Kitto explained that Dalet Sports Factory would combine Perform sports data with metadata management to optimise its content. With our operations spread across the globe, we often need to move files between locations, so we really appreciate the remote and multisite capabilities of the system,” he added.