Sony has extended its shooting options for live 4K projects with a point-of-view version of the HDC-4300. It has also started delivering the impressive HDC-4800 super-motion camera.
Talking first about the HDC-43, Norbert Paquet, live production strategic marketing manager with Sony France, said: “There was a requirement to introduce a smaller version of the 4300 to install in environments like the top of basketball nets, on cranes and in helicopters.
It has exactly the same specs and features, and the technical challenge was to strip down the body shape with the three native 4K sensors and the huge data out of the camera – RGB 4:4:4, so 10Gig.”
The camera has a B4 mount and given the real native 4K sensors, 4K lenses are a must. The HFR camera has something new to offer.
“The four shaders that are used for control are just like any Sony camera, but then in terms of workflow for the director, who calls for the replays, we can instantly initiate a replay after an action happens – the first replay,” said Paquet.