Operators now have the option to integrate the AT-60 IP modulator and AT-80 wideband modulator with an encapsulator and IP routing system for
large-scale VSAT systems.
Work Microwave said the integrated solution can scale to every type of satellite network, from small networks with five remotes, up to the largest networks encompassing tens of thousands of remotes.
Work Microwave said its solution is designed with flexibility in mind, and based on a pay-as-you-grow business model. It can scale up or down to support any operator’s requirements, and is completely customisable in terms of adapting to existing infrastructures.
Embedded Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) is designed to enable each remote to operate at its most efficient coding and modulation scheme.
Based on customer feedback, Work Microwave has added C and X Band support to its Compact Satellite Up- and Down-converter, which is also being demonstrated.
Claimed to be ideal for satellite operators, integrators and teleports working in classical bands, the converter is operational in C, X, and IF frequency bands, allowing users to support multiple simultaneous channels in one unit to save significant rack space and costs.
Also offered is a traditional modular converter series suited for higher frequency applications, including Ku, Ka, Q and V bands.