“It’s a rare opportunity – to launch a brand new company at IBC,” said Piksel’s chief commercial officer Kevin Joyce of the company formerly known as KIT Digital . “We have a new team, a new board of directors, a new vision, a new strategy, a new product portfolio – everything about Piksel is new.”
In other words: Piksel is far more deep-reaching than a simple rebranding of KIT. Piksel is, however, still in the business of creating value from video.
“We’re in the business of providing real solutions to our customers – and don’t confuse our solutions with the solutions that other companies claim to offer,” said Joyce. “700 of our 800 employees are writing software that provides what our customers really need: you’d be hard pressed to find any other company with that level of commitment to software in the multi-screen space. They’re taking the square holes that are our customers’ problems, and creating square pegs that fit those holes.”
According to Joyce, Piksel’s approach to customising its offering is key in enabling customers’ to maximise their return on investments they’ve already made. Piksel’s core capabilities are, said Joyce, professional services, managed services, user design and strategy, and its software portfolio.
“Think of us,” concluded Joyce, “as a start-up with considerable assets.”