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IBC2016: IABM stats are as unnerving as the IP transition

At the IABM breakfast event the base for discussion was set by CEO Peter White, caretaker of the broadcast industry’s vital organs. The first indicator of his usual stats attack was that the role of live sports -14 per cent of top programmes in 2005, and 93 per cent in 2015 – is ever increasing. The surprise was that vendor revenues for hardware still stand at 54 per cent, with software at 26 per cent. Some 63.1 per cent of vendors are in profit.

“The market is under a lot of stress as we go through transition. The overall figure is a real slow down,” said White. “Users are moving to traditional IT vendors, and less so to dedicated broadcast vendors.”

He sized the market at $49 billion. Amazingly 85 per cent of users see interoperability as important, but 59 per cent are unfamiliar with the standard bodies that assure it. Best of breed stays strong as a desire at 80 per cent.

Asked about key trends and issues, Steve Canepa, GM global telecoms, media and entertainment for IBM, nominated the age of personalisation, and the fact that data is now the centre of the business model in media as fundamental trends.

“You can have great content but if you are not marketing it precisely you might lose elements of your audience. There is a lot of compelling content out there: $140 billion was spent on digital content this year, and it will be $180 billion next year,” he said. “The question is, is it the right content, the right experience and sent to the right person at the right time.”

Louis Hernandez Jr, chairman, president and CEO Avid, said: “Who makes money and how you make money is changing so rapidly. That is the challenge. How do you enable the digitisation of the connection between the story teller and the consumer? Analytics are a big piece of it.”

Charlie Vogt, CEO of Imagine Communications, nominated four pillars that are driving the challenges to the industry – the internet, mobility, social networking and viewership.

“If you are going to participate in today’s dynamics you have to innovate,” he said. “Our job is to make our traditional customers successful. Look out three years and you will see growth.”