Two very different highlights in the IBC Future Zone come from South Korea’s ETRI and from Cisco. The first is summarised as DVB-T2 based UHB fixed and mobile hybrid 3DTV.
“The main point is that high quality UHD 3D can be provided with no additional bandwidth,” said principal ETRI researcher Sung-Hoon Kim. “Our new hybrid receiver takes in two signals and produces three images. There is no bandwidth for triple broadcasting simultaneously in South Korea because we have 6MHz per single channel. But they want UHD 2D TV, UHD 3DTV and FHD mobile TV all at once.”
This triple package based on DVB-T2 and HEVC coding will allow broadcasters to extend both trials and reach. The left and right eye systems are interesting – in acquisition and encoding left image is UHD encoder and the right is Full-HD (both HEVC). In modulation left images are 256-QAM and right images are 16-QAM or QPSKI.
Cisco was using screens for its future home seen at IBC2013, but things have moved on.
“This is a visionary demo intended to show what life might be like between one and five years into the future, as the Internet of Everything really starts to proliferate and we start to bring all our devices online and understand the types of data we are generating,” said Cisco user experience designer Dan Garrison.
“Understanding what we can do with that data and how we leverage it to enable new business models as well as new consumer experiences is key,” he added.
“We are using a technology called projection mapping to present a series of scenarios, images and animations on the walls in an immersive way. We paint a picture for a day in the life of a family in the future, and a few scenarios that they go through, and how connected technology is enabling consumers to have improved experiences.”