The developer of PC-based video playout and media management systems is showing direct control of streaming content to Facebook Live, using its flagship control technology Helm.
This can be achieved via Helm on a PC or via associated, device-independent web panels. The company noted that this could allow a tight integration for broadcasters and playout providers between broadcast devices and streaming content. Operators can control the streaming encoder and Facebook Live from a single screen.
Helm communicates with Facebook using the latter’s Graph API.
Rascular is also showing its new web panel capabilities. Panels can be used in browsers on mobile and desktop platforms. They also facilitate the remote control of services and equipment for pop-up and OTT channels and could be integrated with cloud-based encoding technologies.
For existing Helm users, existing panel designs can be converted to Web Panels. Alternatively, Helm allows the creation of new panels to the user’s specification.
Rascular has also developed what it described as a
cost-effective way to provide automated time-of-day router switching, using a self-contained, PC-based router control panel, which provides both manual and automated time-of-day switching.