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Grass Valley/Aspera/Masstech: Stratus sphere expands

Grass Valley has teamed up with Aspera and Masstech to expand the ecosystem around its GV Stratus production system. It will use Aspera’s FASP transport technology to allow video files to transfer more quickly, reliably and securely between broadcasters, content owners and service providers regardless of transfer distances, file sizes or network conditions.

FASP will be integrated directly into the GV Stratus platform, and will use its RESTful web API to transport files at maximum network speeds. “Customers can now benefit from a considerably faster file exchange with a secure delivery protocol, reducing production cycles and getting programming to air much faster,” said Mike Cronk, senior VP of strategic marketing, Grass Valley.

It will also use Masstech media management to create a seamless workflow for archiving and repurposing high-resolution assets, and Stratus users will have a complete, integral toolset, including a unique workflow for news, to efficiently archive and restore content between K2 Summit 3G media servers and storage units and archive systems managed by Masstech.

“Few things are as disruptive to workflows in the newsroom or production as having to change application environments or move to another workstation when you need to find and edit video assets,” said Joe French, CEO, Masstech, who believes that the collaboration will provide greater flexibility for users.

GV Stratus tools currently support integration with DIVArchive, SGL Flashnet and FTP archiving, and the Masstech archiving interface will be included in Stratus’
upcoming update.