Digital media company and international sport specialist Perform is using Dalet news production and distribution software as the basis of remote workflow operations between the lead UK operation and offices in Munich, Amsterdam and Uruguay. News desk staff in the three local bureaus log in via the Dalet web client, browse media and mark in and out points before sending the clip to a watch folder.
Clips can be sent to the UK by the Aspera FASP fast transfer protocol for further editing and routed back to the overseas offices in the same manner. “We worked with Dalet as our technical business partner, building a fluid infrastructure that would respond to both industry and internal demands,” said Michael Edwards, Perform’s head of post engineering (pictured, left with Dalet COO Stephane Schlayen).
“The new foundation will allow us to facilitate the swift and secure exchange of files between multiple locations as we spread our operations worldwide. 8.B77