The new CallMe Browser Audio Codec can get contributors on-air with a minimum of fuss and no need for specialist equipment, software download, or even specific technical knowledge. Contributors simply use their own computer, tablet or smartphone to converse, with high-quality sound.
Vortex described it as a cost-effective codec service that can deliver high-quality IP audio from just about anywhere and from almost any device back to the studio codec, with low delay and the minimum of setup.
The studio sets up a CallMe Event that produces a web link to be e-mailed to the contributor. They click on it and are connected directly, using their normal internet browser, to the station’s dedicated and branded portal on the CallMe.FM server.
To go live they simply click on a call button and connect with low-latency high-quality broadcast audio to the codec at the studio, already set up as part of the licencing process.
For reporter use, Vortex has a range of microphone and headset smartphone interfaces for professional connectivity.
There is a CallMe-Enterprise version for large customers who may have an installed base of hundreds of codecs, but for small stations the service can be configured for a handful of simultaneous connections to save costs.