The new Fibre FieldCast Connector Three is a series of small, bidirectional converter boxes, initially offering fibre to SDI, Ethernet, DVI, or HDMI, that will grow to encompass more formats, including versions mixing SDI and Ethernet outputs.
The units have “very robust power and fibre connectors” and offer 12v DC output to attached equipment, explained Ab Vingerling, FieldCast’s co-founder and development manager. They are also simple to secure to tripods, frames or overhead structures.
“This is the first certified converter for hanging in the [lighting] trusses, because you can put safety wires through it. It is also easily stackable and can be hung off a clamp.”
Also new is the FieldCast Mux One and Demux One pair of four-channel SDI-over-fibre units. The 1RU units cost €2990 for the pair, and will be joined by eight-channel and 16-channel models early next year.