ContentProbe Hawk is described as the ‘next generation’ o IdeasUnlimited’s broadcast compliance recording platform, which has been significantly shaped by broadcaster feedback.
According to the company’s Managing Director Glyn Powell-Evans, ContentProbe Hawk brings together for the first time all the functions of compliance recording, monitoring, verification, commercial certification and live viewing.
Powell-Evans said this made it simpler and more cost-effective for broadcasters to fulfil their regulatory recording and monitoring obligations. “ContentProbe Hawk establishes a new standard for regulatory recording and monitoring systems by reducing the complexity of the supporting infrastructure, and streamlining the diverse aspects into a more logical and easy to operate workflow,” he explained.
“Hawk is our response to major broadcast clients who have been asking for a way to reduce capital costs and achieve a much more compact, energy-efficient compliance monitoring setup,” said Powell-Evans.
ContentProbe Hawk eliminates the need for an internal RF ring main to distribute display feeds through a facility. Instead, broadcasters can ingest and record any unencrypted or encrypted source, and view/monitor on any combination of Macs, PCs and dedicated monitors.
Live sources can be viewed in full resolution on any desktop using ContentProbe Hawk’s web browser interface, or on any HDMI monitor using an IP set-top box, with instant rewind and review of recorded channels. ContentProbe also includes a loudness monitoring engine and patented video fingerprinting, as well as the AdCert system for automated spot transmission reporting.