Today’s digital cinema cameras offer such a perfect image that many feel they lack character, which is why a lot of cinematographers treasure the look that older lenses offer. One company to benefit from this is P+S Technik, which has specialised in rehousing old lenses, such as Kowa.
Now it is building additional lenses based on the old designs, with the introduction of the Kowa Anamorphic Evolution lenses.
The original Kowa Anamorphic primes were produced until the 1970s and four different compact primes have been available: 40mm, 50mm, 75mm and 100mm.
However, users found the focal range limited, so P+S Technik has added a wide-angle and a telephoto 135mm, matching the look and bokeh of the original set. They are low in contrast and warm in colour and can be made to flare.
They are built in a compact, lightweight housing with modern cam-driven internal focus mechanics. The focus throw has changed significantly compared to the originals. The Evolution lenses offer a 200° angle on the focus ring and a 100° on the aperture.
“Mod 0.8 gears and the same position of the gear rings throughout the set integrates them well in the modern production environment,” said Anna Piffl, P+S Technik’s managing director.