Traditional TV commercials target massive segments of the audiences. However, OTT TV format, unlike its predecessors, includes redistribution of the video content by request of the individual viewer, on mobile, tablet and all screens.
It means that OTT TV providers can deliver narrowly targeted and personal ads. With the global consumer base in mind, not simply the content but actually the ability for ads monetisation is going to be key in attracting investment to and boost development of OTT TV in the next few years. This will lead to further mobile TV and video explosion.
Best advertisement solutions in OTT TV should collect information about the users and provide targeting parameters for any promotional campaigns to a high standard. An ads platform should break down analytics on behaviour patterns and interests, offering targeting so accurate it can pin point a small group of people – even one individual user.
This type of advertisements is more valuable for all parties: they spare the viewers from the unwanted material, and advertisers – from the vain investments. Simultaneously, the cost of each ad grows together with its effectiveness, generating new revenues for the TV providers. So the targeted approach is to ensure you know where to deliver the ads.
However, detecting commercials in the broadcast is usually a challenge; so pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll ads are widely used by the service providers. It has an obvious disadvantage – the viewers have to watch more ads. To solve this, the ads detection technology should allow recognising and tracking commercials within the TV stream.
For example, to effectively detect the ads, a TV commercials database should be created to track their repetition. The ads solution detects acoustic and video matches across all monitored TV streams, validate the advertisements, segment them and add to the database. An ads solution should detect the ads, remove them from the TV stream and insert targeted commercials instead of them into OTT streams, based on the analysis of the users’ information.
Most importantly, by knowing the exact ad location, the technology now enables us to remove the commercials and insert new selected ads with precision. TV services providers or their advertising agencies can easily plan, track and adjust the promotional campaigns running within the broadcast stream. The ad replacement is carried out on the streaming server and applies to all connected screens, including mobile, desktop and TV, and ensures uninterrupted TV viewing experience to the users.
The ability to measure ads with high precision with transparent tracking and performance analytics allows to effectively plan campaigns. It is a unique competitive advantage for mobile operators and content providers enabling them to monetise content with targeted and personalised TV commercials.
The best monetisation strategies that ensure OTT TV future are those coming with a targeted approach, accurate detection of broadcast ads and precise in-stream ad replacement with a multi-screen reach, combined with intelligent tracking and analytics for greater precision. Such intelligent solutions will be the largest driving factor for mobile TV and OTT TV development in the years ahead.
By Kirill Filippov, CEO of SPB TV AG