The nomination deadline for the TVBAwards 2016 has been extended to 2 September.
Nominations, which must be submitted by 5.30pm on the closing date, can be submitted by anyone working in the broadcast industry, with no limit to the number of categories in which a company or team can be nominated. Eligible nominees are companies contributing to a project broadcast between 1 August 2015 and 31 July 2016.
The TVBAwards aims to recognise a broad spectrum of work and achievement across the broadcast and media industry. Three awards are available in each of the six categories, including our new Hall of Fame initiative, which has been created to honour the individuals, organisations, and technical advancements that have helped – and are helping – to shape the broadcast and media technology sector as we know it today. Acting as the centrepiece of the awards programme, the Hall of Fame awards recognise three specific areas: innovation and R&D award for outstanding technical achievement; rising star award; and the prestigious lifetime achievement award.
The Sustainability category has been expanded to encompass an award for sustainable production, as well as two others which will go to both an individual and a business that have performed outstanding work in the improvement of environmental and social conditions.
A full list of categories can be found on the TVBAwards 2016 website and tickets for the event are available now.
Winners will be selected from a shortlist of nominees by an independent panel of distinguished judges representing all segments of the broadcast industry. The shortlist will be announced in September.
Nominations can be made by submitting a proposal of 300 words to tvbawards@nbmedia.com. The proposal must include the name of the project, the company nominated, key people involved and a statement outlining the reasons for nominations. Supporting video content is highly recommended, and images and additional materials may also be included.