RT France will launch a new 24-hour news channel by the end of the year.
The channel will broadcast on cable, satellite and ADSL. Nearly 1,500 square meters of offices and two studios of approximately 100 square metres each will be installed in Boulogne-Billancourt, Paris.
Media systems integrator Videlio will provide technical consulting as well as turnkey-managed services.
“We were looking for a partner to help us in launch and manage our upcoming round-the-clock news channel,” said Xenia Fedorova, CEO of RT France.
“Videlio convinced us of their commitment and of their ability to meet our needs in terms of technical and production resources.”
“Staff outsourcing and managed services are an integral part of our offering,” added Pascal Zérates, CEO of Videlio. “We have been providing managed services for many years for customers in all industries and all geographies, such as the Guiana Space Center in Kuru.
“From the launch of Ariane space rockets to the launch of a new news channel, our company has the capability to propose the adapted services.”