The OTT monitoring and compliance (M&C) market is expected to expand by 15.8 per cent over the next five years, according to analysts Frost & Sullivan.
The research forecasts the OTT M&C market will grow from $62 million to $149.7 million by 2024, as viewers switch from pay-TV to OTT services and OTT M&C vendors provide underlying software platforms to improve video quality of service (QoS).
Frost & Sullivan noted that OTT M&C solutions are primarily provided by three vendors, Telestream iQ (IneoQuest), Tektronix and Touchstream, adding that Interra Systems, Witbe and Evertz have also garnered significant shares.
Service providers are expected to offer Opex Cloud-based M&C, target customers that do not have legacy content in the broadcast and pay-TV spaces, and partner with vendors of ancillary products such as live events or online video platforms.
Digital Transformation industry analyst Robert Cavin said: “OTT/TV Everywhere (TVE) vendors tend to develop M&C solutions in-house during the R&D phase and then seek third-party vendors to scale up for operations.
“Companies will also highlight the value of providing high-quality OTT M&C solutions to reduce churn by increasing QoS. These solutions can be offered both individually and as part of a total OTT solution.
“After establishing themselves in the North American and Western European markets, service providers are expanding globally, particularly in regions with excellent broadband access.
“As other regions create more of their own content outside the traditional broadcast and pay-TV industries, streaming service providers can employ OTT M&C vendors to ensure quality services as they expand,” he added.