Datavideo’s free dv Prompter software is now available for Google’s Android platform, writes David Fox.
It can be downloaded from the Android Market, and will run on any Android device running Android 1.5 or above. It comes in the wake of Datavideo’s Apple iPhone and iPad app (which is now on version 1.3 with support for a new wireless remote). There are several other prompter apps available for both Android and iOS, but few are free.
dv Prompter is claimed to be “a fully featured teleprompter application, with fast loading of scripts or cue sheets, a variety of font styles and a variety of playback settings.”
To mount it on a camera, users would need to buy the Datavideo Smart Phone Prompter Kit, TP-100 (left in picture), which costs about £230, or the £300 TP-200 kit (right in picture) if used with a tablet device – although as the TP-200 is built primarily for the iPad, the tablet would have to be of similar proportions.
The kit incorporates a rigid camera hood and 60/40 glass to reflect the script while still allowing the camera to see the subject. Included is 3m wired remote control, for controlling the speed of prompting and jumping back or forward to different points in the script.
According to Holdan, Datavideo’s UK distributor: “This is also one of the quickest and most convenient prompting solutions available, thanks to its fast assembly and use of the user’s own smartphone.”